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Interagency Connection

St Paul Regional FCSS Interagency promotes the free exchange of information, concerns and solutions among human service organizations in St Paul and area. This body meets to facilitate collaboration among members with common goals.

Members of the St Paul Interagency and/or Elk Point Interagency, include representatives from different local non-profit human services organizations and agencies that meet five times per year to communicate about services and issues in our community.

The meeting space is provided at each Regional FCSS offices.

St Paul, 5002 - 51 Avenue.
Elk Point 4906A - 48 Street.

Interagency meets Tuesdays in the months of January, March, May, September and November in St Paul and Mondays in the months of February, April, June, October and December in Elk Point. On a monthly basis, the Interagency newsletter is published and distributed electronically. This newsletter is used to communicate information about activities that agencies are a part of. Newsletter submissions are accepted up to the 28th of every month, with the newsletter being published the 1st of the new month.

Submissions can be emailed to Brenda Billo, Programmer. FCSS reserves the right to edit the submissions.

RSVP 780-645-5311 or

Nov 12th meeting moved to Nov 5th.